“Bychkov shaped the melancholy slow movement with considerable feeling, bringing out the lyrical eloquence of Walton's woodwind writing;
here the contributions of bassoonist William Buchman and Alexander Bedenko, who was sitting in as guest principal clarinet for a second week, were especially striking.” Chicago Tribune, October 25, 2013.
"I love the play of textures they bring to the opening Allegro con brio, alternating spiky with silky, for example, and they make magic in the Adagio cantabile’s surprising shift from E flat to C major " Gramophone Magazine. Dec 2019
“Superb clarinetist” Eugenia Zukerman, MusicalAmerica. July 2013
“A super talent.” Ricardo Morales - Principal clarinet, The Philadelphia Orchestra
“Alexander Bedenko is an extraordinary musician who plays his instrument with great technical confidence and tremendous heart” Mikael Eliasen - Head, Vocal Studies Department at the Curtis Institute of music
“An accomplished young clarinetist, with a splendid technique and an unusual ability to communicate his musical ideas to his listeners” Gary Graffman
“Alexander Bedenko is an impeccable clarinetist who performs with style and sensitivity” Aaron Rosand
“Without a doubt, one of the most musical and creative young musicians I have worked with” Michael Stern
“Mr. Bedenko has terrific natural gifts, including a beautiful intuition for phrasing and a relaxed, unfettered sound” Ignat Solzhenitsyn